Membership Interest

We are always interested in meeting new members who work directly with PE firms, their portfolio companies, and their services that fit under the broader GTM umbrella.

Upon reaching out, we will walk through the review process with our members, what the requirements are, and the potential timeline in joining the RightStar Alliance.

1. What is the value of being a member of the RightStar Alliance?

The RightStar Alliance is a community of like-minded service providers who are passionate about adding value to PE firms and their portfolio companies. The value our members receive from this alliance is the ability to grow your Private Equity access, expertise, and network.

We are a strong referral network. Members are always looking out for opportunities that would best suit each other and we arrange time where these potential leads are exchanged and discussed.

In addition, members can benefit from: (listed)

  • Use of RightStar Alliance Logo
  • Use of RightStar Private Equity List & Case Studies
  • Joint Sales Opportunities

2. What does it cost to join?

We do not work based on referral fees. However, we expect our members to participate in helping grow and expand the Alliance, as ‘rising tide raises all boats’. We will also share equally and agreed upon outreach or events for the Alliance.

3. How do we go about choosing members?

We are sensitive to our current members and are careful not to offer overlapping services, but many companies offer similar but different services so please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

4. What is RightStar’s expection of its members?

  • Attend bi-monthly meetings
  • Contribute to RightStar’s thought leadership initiatives
  • Continue to help us innovate
  • Participate in our referral networking